Apple's Grip on the App Ecosystem Loosens as Epic Games Wins Approval

Apple's approval of Epic Games' marketplace app in Europe marks a significant shift in the tech giant's app store policies, but the battle between the two companies is far from over.
Apple's Grip on the App Ecosystem Loosens as Epic Games Wins Approval

Apple’s App Store Policies Under Fire

As the tech giant continues to dominate the app ecosystem, developers and regulators are pushing back against its strict control. The latest development in this saga is Apple’s approval of Epic Games’ marketplace app in Europe, a move that comes after the gaming firm accused Apple of hindering its efforts to set up a games store on iPhones and iPads.

Apple’s App Store policies have been under scrutiny

Epic Games, the maker of Fortnite, had submitted documents to launch the Epic Games Store, but Apple rejected them twice, citing issues with the design of certain buttons and labels. Epic argued that the rejection was arbitrary and obstructive, and in violation of the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

“We are using the same ‘Install’ and ‘In-app purchases’ naming conventions that are used across popular app stores on multiple platforms, and are following standard conventions for buttons in iOS apps,” Epic said in a series of posts.

The European Commission, which opened an investigation into Apple’s app review process last month, declined to comment on the matter. This is not the first time Epic and Apple have clashed. The two companies have been embroiled in a legal battle since 2020, when Epic alleged that Apple’s practice of charging up to 30% commissions on in-app payments violated U.S. antitrust rules.

Epic Games has been a vocal critic of Apple’s app store policies

Early this year, Apple proposed changes to its App Store policies to comply with the DMA, which went into force in March. The changes allowed alternative app stores on iPhones and an opt-out from using the in-app payments system, but set a “core technology fee” that several developers found exploitative.

As the battle between Apple and Epic Games continues, one thing is clear: the tech giant’s grip on the app ecosystem is slowly loosening. With regulators and developers pushing for change, it will be interesting to see how Apple responds to the growing pressure.

iOS devices have been at the center of the app store controversy

In the meantime, Epic Games’ marketplace app is set to launch in Europe, marking a significant milestone in the company’s efforts to challenge Apple’s dominance. As the app ecosystem continues to evolve, one thing is certain: the days of Apple’s unchecked power are numbered.