Aquapak's Strategic Move: Welcoming Debbie Luffman to Drive Sustainable Innovation

Aquapak Polymers Ltd. bolsters its commitment to sustainable innovation with the appointment of Debbie Luffman to its Advisory Board, aiming to enhance the impact of its Hydropol™ polymer technology in the packaging industry.
Aquapak's Strategic Move: Welcoming Debbie Luffman to Drive Sustainable Innovation

Aquapak Welcomes Circular Economy Pioneer Debbie Luffman to Advisory Board

August 7, 2024 — In a significant stride towards sustainable innovation, Aquapak Polymers Ltd. has announced the appointment of Debbie Luffman as a key member of its Advisory Board. With her extensive experience in sustainability and the circular economy, Luffman is set to accelerate Aquapak’s mission of redefining packaging standards through innovative polymer technology.

A Stellar Career in Sustainable Design

Debbie Luffman brings over two decades of experience in the fashion and textiles sector to Aquapak. As the founder of Think Circular, she leads initiatives aimed at fostering sustainable business practices, emphasizing a circular approach to design and production. Her previous role as Product Director at Finisterre, a pioneering outdoor clothing brand, showcases her capabilities in driving innovation and strategic partnerships that enhance circularity in the industry.

Debbie Luffman, advocate for sustainable solutions.

Luffman’s diverse roles further extend to being a carbon literacy facilitator at Fashion Declares, and a tutor at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership. Additionally, she serves as a trustee at Hubbub, a charity committed to environmental behavioral change, intertwining her expertise with advocacy for ecological solutions.

Driving Growth and Innovation

Aquapak’s management team envisions an exciting phase of global growth, with Luffman’s insight expected to pave new avenues for their innovative Hydropol™ polymer technology. This latest development, manufactured in the UK, is poised to realign how we view plastic and its alternatives. It is soluble, non-toxic, and poses no threat to marine ecosystems, addressing critical challenges posed by conventional plastics.

Mark Lapping, Aquapak’s CEO, expressed confidence about the future collaboration, stating, > “Debbie’s experience in the fashion and textiles sector is also highly relevant as it is an important strategic market opportunity for Hydropol technology.”

Hydropol™: A Game Changer for Packaging

Hydropol™ is designed not only to fulfill functional requirements but also to minimize environmental impact significantly. Products made with this innovative polymer, such as garment bags, retain the strength and clarity associated with traditional plastics, while completely bypassing environmental pitfalls.

The unique selling proposition of Hydropol™ lies in its effortless disposal. These products can be safely integrated into existing waste streams or destroyed via home-heating methods, disintegrating without contributing to microplastic pollution. This feature offers brands and consumers alike a viable route towards sustainable packaging solutions.

Innovative packaging solutions for a sustainable future.

Already, the apparel industry is seeing a shift, with various brands opting for Hydropol™ over conventional single-use plastics in a move that echoes their commitment to the circular economy. With Luffman on board, Aquapak’s objectives of expanding market share and user adoption are well within reach.

Luffman’s Commitment to the Circular Economy

Luffman has voiced her enthusiasm about joining Aquapak during this transformative phase. She noted, > “Moving to sustainable packaging with better end-of-life options is a significant step in meeting the circular economy challenge.”

This forward-thinking approach aligns with the growing demand for environmentally friendly alternatives, emphasizing that the journey towards change is as essential as its destination. Companies that can adapt to these cultural shifts stand to gain a substantial competitive edge in a market increasingly influenced by sustainability, particularly in fashion and textiles.


As Aquapak embarks on this ambitious journey, the collaboration with Debbie Luffman signals a commitment to sustainable innovation at its core. The emphasis on utilizing Hydropol™ not only provides a feasible solution to replace traditional plastics but also champions a broader understanding of sustainability within the textile industry. For Aquapak and its partners, this is an opportunity to lead by example and inspire a fundamental shift in packaging practices worldwide.

The journey towards a circular economy is complex, but with dedicated minds like Luffman’s steering the direction, the potential for impactful change is immense.

Further Reading