Defending Digital Frontiers: The Inspiring Career of Drew Hughes

Explore the inspiring journey of Drew Hughes, Chief Information Security Officer at URBN, and his impactful contributions to the field of cybersecurity.
Defending Digital Frontiers: The Inspiring Career of Drew Hughes

Unraveling the World of Cybersecurity: Drew Hughes’ Journey

Drew Hughes Cybersecurity Drew Hughes, a dedicated cybersecurity professional.

From Detective Aspirations to Cyber Defender

In the realm of cybersecurity, few titles hold as much esteem as that of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Drew Hughes embodies this role at URBN, a prominent company known for its brands like Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie. His career path reflects not only professional ambition but also a dedication to protecting digital frontiers, a journey inspired by childhood dreams of becoming a detective.

Hughes’ fascination with investigations shaped his drive to work in cybersecurity, where the thrill of hunting down cyber threats aligns perfectly with his early aspirations. With a robust background that includes thirteen years in the Army National Guard and advanced education in the field, he is well-equipped to tackle the ever-evolving challenges of information security.

The Role of a CISO

As CISO at URBN, Hughes oversees a vast cybersecurity framework, which includes defending vital business operations, safeguarding customer data, and ensuring brand integrity. The role is dynamic and filled with constant challenges, reflecting the critical need for vigilance in protecting against cyber threats that can strike from anywhere around the globe.

“Guarding an organization with cyber resources across the globe is always filled with excitement and challenges,” says Hughes, highlighting the active nature of his work in the ever-changing world of tech security.

Cybersecurity Landscape An overview of today’s digital landscape.

Educational Foundations at New York Tech

Drew Hughes attributes much of his success to the solid educational foundation he received at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). Graduating with a Master’s degree in Cybersecurity in 2013, Hughes took full advantage of the opportunities the university offered. His first significant internship with Power Management Concepts allowed him to build upon his skills and network, thanks to the connections he made through the school’s job portal.

This early experience led to a pivotal internship with Major League Baseball, setting the stage for future roles. “New York Tech gave me the opportunity to formally train through these internships, which bolstered my résumé,” Hughes reflects, emphasizing the importance of practical experience in his field.

Real-World Challenges and Learning

Recounting his most thrilling academic experience, Hughes describes a project born from identifying a real-world security issue. While a student at NYIT, he created his own lab at home, designing a solution based on the problem he observed. The successful implementation of his project solidified his passion for the cybersecurity field, motivating him to devote his career to defending networks against threats.

It’s this kind of hands-on experience that Drew recognizes as crucial in shaping the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.

Giving Back: Mentorship at New York Tech

Today, Hughes continues to contribute to the community that helped launch his career. He actively mentors current students at NYIT, assisting them with resume writing, networking strategies, and interview preparation. His involvement with URBN’s internship program further allows Hughes to expose new talent to real-world situations.

“Mentorship has always been important to me,” Hughes shares. His dedication to guiding others stems from his desire to equip future leaders in cybersecurity with the tools they need to excel.

Cherished Memories

Reflecting on his time at New York Tech, Hughes fondly recalls the tenacity of his fellow students. “There was a scrappiness to the students at New York Tech. We worked hard, and everyone in my study circle worked 40 hours a week while doing things to enrich themselves in the workforce,” he remembers. This shared determination and collaborative spirit played a vital role in his academic and professional achievements.

Conclusion: The Call of Cybersecurity

Drew Hughes stands as a testament to the importance of education, mentorship, and passion in the cybersecurity landscape. His journey from student to expert illustrates how the right opportunities, coupled with a dedication to continuous learning and defense, can lead to significant contributions in one of today’s most crucial fields. As technology evolves, the role of Cyber Defenders like Hughes is more critical than ever, and his story is one of inspiration for those aspiring to follow in his footsteps.

With the cybersecurity landscape becoming increasingly complex, the call for more skilled professionals remains urgent. As Drew Hughes demonstrates, with the right foundation and commitment, anyone can prepare to meet the exciting challenges that await in this dynamic industry.