EyeControl: Revolutionizing Medical Technology with Innovative Communication

Israeli company EyeControl is revolutionizing medical technology with its innovative wearable device that enables patients to communicate with medical staff and family members via eye gestures and a bone conduction headset.
EyeControl: Revolutionizing Medical Technology with Innovative Communication

EyeControl: Revolutionizing Medical Technology

Israeli company EyeControl is making waves in the medical technology industry with its innovative wearable device that enables patients, including those on ventilators, to communicate with medical staff and family members via eye gestures and a bone conduction headset. The device has been shown to improve clinical outcomes, prevent cognitive decline, and enhance the patient and family experience.

Image: A representation of medical technology

The story of Yoav Tzivoni, a combat soldier seriously wounded in the northern Gaza Strip, is a testament to the power of EyeControl. After six months in the intensive care unit of the Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital, Tzivoni awoke and asked for his favorite heavy metal music. This moment marked a turning point in his recovery, and he has since made a remarkable comeback, even rejoining his elite combat unit as a volunteer.

“I was shaking from excitement when the nurse texted and said Yoav is asking for his music!” - Michal Finkelstein, product specialist and speech and language pathologist

The device has also brought comfort to families, such as that of Tzvika Lavi, a religiously observant father of three young girls who died on December 12 after sustaining extensive wounds. Finkelstein recounts how Lavi’s family treasured the opportunity to communicate with their husband and father via the EyeControl device.

“When his wife, an occupational therapist, learned about the device, she said, ‘Yalla, let’s go!’ She and the girls had already recorded messages to go on to the device.” - Michal Finkelstein

Dr. Ami Mayo, director of critical care at Assuta Ashdod’s ICU, has seen firsthand the success of EyeControl in improving patient outcomes. He notes that the device has helped reduce delirium and post-ICU post-traumatic stress disorder in patients.

“When I play familiar sounds to sedated patients, it provides their brains with raw material to fill in the gaps and reduces the bad side effects.” - Dr. Ami Mayo

The potential of EyeControl extends far beyond its initial use as a communication device for patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Co-founder Or Reitzin’s meeting with Dr. Mayo led to the realization that the device could be applied to all patients in critical care units.

“Now, people don’t remember us as an ALS device!” - Or Reitzin, co-founder and CEO of EyeControl

EyeControl has gained international attention, with clinical trials underway at prestigious university hospitals in Israel and the US. The company has received funding from the European Bank and Google’s AI Fund, and is currently operating mainly in Israel under Clalit, the country’s largest health fund.

“It’s rare that a health-tech solution is of value to virtually all stakeholders in the US healthcare system.” - Noa Mintz, clinical & business development - US

As EyeControl continues to grow and evolve, its true purpose remains at the heart of its mission: to help patients and their families.

“We are honored to be able to support every patient - but especially our soldiers.” - Or Reitzin, co-founder and CEO of EyeControl