From Aspiring Detective to Cyber Defender: Drew Hughes’ Journey Through Cybersecurity

This piece explores the career journey of Drew Hughes, CISO at URBN, highlighting his path from aspiring detective to a leader in the cybersecurity field, and his commitment to mentoring future professionals in the industry.
From Aspiring Detective to Cyber Defender: Drew Hughes’ Journey Through Cybersecurity

Protecting the Digital Frontier: A Journey into Cybersecurity

As the digital landscape expands and becomes more integral to everyday life, so does the need for cybersecurity professionals who can safeguard our virtual existence. Drew Hughes, Chief Information Security Officer at URBN, embodies the essence of this critical profession.

Exploring the nuances of cybersecurity in today’s interconnected world.

From Aspiring Detective to Cyber Defender

Growing up, Hughes envisioned himself as a detective, chasing down criminals and solving mysteries. Little did he know, his childhood aspiration would evolve into a fulfilling career where he protects against cyber threats.

In his current role at URBN—a conglomerate housing beloved brands like Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie—Hughes considers himself a “cyber defender.” His day-to-day responsibilities involve overseeing the cybersecurity measures that preserve not just the organization, but also protect its customers and brand credibility.

The Catalyst: A Strong Educational Foundation

Hughes credits much of his success to his educational journey at the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT), where he earned a master’s degree in Cybersecurity. The rigorous programs and practical experiences provided by NYIT helped Hughes lay a solid foundation for his career.

“My internships—first with Power Management Concepts, then with Major League Baseball—practically shaped my career,” Hughes recalls. These real-world experiences enabled him to build a robust resume that would later open doors to pivotal roles, including one at Barclays Center supporting systems and networks.

Internships can often be the launchpad to successful careers in technology.

Hughes’ passion for cybersecurity was ignited during his studies when he undertook a challenging project that allowed him to confront a significant security issue in a practical scenario. He recalls, “I had to create my own lab at home to execute the project. When I took the same script into the real world and solved the problem, I realized this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.”

Embracing Challenges and Thrills

The nature of cybersecurity is dynamic, filled with both excitement and challenges. As Hughes states, “Guarding an organization with cyber resources across the globe is always filled with challenges.” This ever-evolving field requires a constant thirst for knowledge and adaptability to respond to emerging threats. With each day, Hughes finds himself tackling the latest in cybercrime, where investigative instincts that once led him to pursue detective work find new expression in combating hacks and securing sensitive data.

Giving Back: Mentorship for Future Generations

Beyond his professional responsibilities, Hughes deeply values mentorship. Drawing from his experiences, he pours his time and insights into guiding the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. His role in URBN’s internship program and efforts in mentoring at NYIT are testaments to his commitment to shaping young minds. “I want to prepare the mentees for life after college—writing resumes, networking, and interview tips. I believe it’s essential to put the next generation in a better place,” Hughes emphasizes.

Mentorship plays a pivotal role in preparing tomorrow’s leaders in cybersecurity.

Fond Memories and the Spirit of Community

Among the most cherished moments of his time at NYIT, Hughes fondly remembers the scrappiness of his peers. Juggling work and studies, his fellow students demonstrated tenacity and dedication. “We were all working hard, many of us putting in 40 hours a week while doing everything we could to enrich our understanding of the workforce,” Hughes reminisces. This environment not only fostered a sense of community but also instilled a relentless pursuit of excellence.

In conclusion, Drew Hughes stands as a beacon of innovation and commitment in the cybersecurity landscape. His journey from an inquisitive kid aspiring to be a detective to becoming a chief information security officer illustrates the possibilities that lie within the field. As our reliance on digital technologies grows, the work of dedicated professionals like Hughes becomes increasingly vital.

As I reflect on his journey, it inspires me to think about my own path and the importance of mentorship, resilience, and passion in building a fulfilling career in tech.

The Future of Cybersecurity

The future may be uncertain, but one thing remains clear: the demand for cybersecurity experts is only going to heighten. As technologies advance, so do the methods employed by cybercriminals. Careers like Hughes’ will be at the forefront of this battle, safeguarding our digital future for decades to come.