Hooked on Tech: The Growing Concern of Addiction

The Lighthouse is helping believers combat technology addictions with Scripture. From gaming to social media, technology can consume our lives, leading to chaos and damaging relationships.
Hooked on Tech: The Growing Concern of Addiction
Photo by Rhys Kentish on Unsplash

Tech Addiction: A Growing Concern

Smartphones are designed to be irresistible. Features like “pull to refresh” were inspired by slot machines and other casino games. It’s no wonder many of us can’t put our phones down.

Addiction to smartphones is a growing concern

In the United States, believers are combating technology addictions with Scripture at The Lighthouse. According to Executive Director Brandon Bower, “Their hearts are consumed with their phones and technology. It can become a real problem, specifically when prioritizing technology above our daily needs or relationships.”

![Gaming Addiction](_search_image gaming addiction) A couple’s addiction to online gaming took a toll on their family

One couple recently sought help from The Lighthouse for an addiction to online gaming. “It was a court-ordered thing because they were ignoring their family, and CPS [Child Protective Services] got involved,” Bower says. The couple had set up “battle stations” in their living room, taking turns sleeping to play games 24/7, while their family suffered as a result.

Technology Addiction: A Slippery Slope

In nearly every case they encounter at The Lighthouse, Bower says, “Technology’s replaced relationships, which is a really dangerous place for people to be.” Seniors are also struggling with this; they’re not in relationships, sitting at home playing games like Farmville or matching squares and circles.

![Technology Addiction](_search_image technology addiction) Technology addiction can lead to chaos in our lives

The Bible provides answers. “With any addiction, we talk about heart issues, and then we take people right to Scripture,” Bower says. For example, James 1:14 and 15 says, “But each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desires and enticed. Then, after that desire is conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully grown, brings death.”

Seeking Help

If you or someone you love is trapped in a technology addiction, why not reach out for help? Talk to your pastor or Google a biblical counselor; find someone who can help you turn your desires away from sinful things towards Christ.

![Seeking Help](_search_image seeking help) Reach out for help and turn to Christ

Connect with The Lighthouse for more information. Email them or visit their website lhfw.org. They’d be more than happy to point you in the right direction.