Hydrogen-Hybrid Research Vessel Earns Approval in Principle

A new hydrogen-hybrid research vessel has earned Approval in Principle from the American Bureau of Shipping, paving the way for a more sustainable future in oceanographic research.
Hydrogen-Hybrid Research Vessel Earns Approval in Principle

Hydrogen-Hybrid Research Vessel Earns Approval in Principle

A hydrogen fuel cell, the technology behind the new research vessel

The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has awarded an Approval in Principle (AIP) to Glosten for the design of a new hydrogen-hybrid Coastal-Class Research Vessel (CCRV) operated by Scripps Institution of Oceanography. This vessel will feature a propulsion system that uses hydrogen fuel cells for zero-emissions operation, making it an environmentally friendly option for research.

The CCRV’s design was completed in March 2024 by Glosten and Siemens Energy, and it has faced a complex regulatory regime due to its innovative technology. The vessel’s machinery spaces and hydrogen systems had to be efficiently and safely arranged without compromising its utility, a challenge that was likened to putting together an intricate puzzle.

“Our challenge was to harmonize the requirements of a modern research vessel with evolving regulations and novel technologies for liquid hydrogen fuel. Ensuring the machinery spaces and hydrogen systems were efficiently and safely arranged without compromising the utility of the vessel was like putting together an intricate puzzle.” - Robin Madsen, lead marine engineer on the project for Glosten.

The concept of a hydrogen-powered research vessel was first explored in a feasibility study conducted in 2018 by Glosten, Scripps Oceanography, Sandia National Laboratories, and DNV. The study confirmed that technology had advanced enough to make such a vessel possible, but regulations around the use of hydrogen fuel are still in development.

Prior to submitting the design for AIP, Glosten completed a week-long risk assessment workshop with the USCG, Scripps, SE, and major equipment providers, Ballard Power Systems and Chart Industries. The AIP shows that the CCRV design meets the technical requirements and safety standards of ABS, and it validates the use of hydrogen-fuel-cell propulsion for medium-sized coastal vessels.

The CCRV will help Scripps and its researchers study the marine ecosystem along the California coast, running entirely on emissions-free hydrogen fuel cells for 75 percent of its missions.

“Our goal is to produce a fully capable ocean-going research vessel that meets the needs of our scientists and students, and demonstrate that this can be done in a way that absolutely minimizes its impact on our environment.” - Bruce Appelgate, associate director of Scripps and head of ship operations and marine technical support.

The project team is currently progressing the CCRV to a functional-level design and assisting Scripps with a request for proposal to begin solicitation for construction.

A research vessel, similar to the one that will be powered by hydrogen fuel cells

The use of hydrogen fuel cells in the CCRV is a significant step towards reducing the environmental impact of research vessels. As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, innovations like this will play a crucial role in minimizing our impact on the planet.

A diagram of a hydrogen fuel cell, the technology behind the new research vessel

The CCRV is an example of how technology can be used to reduce our impact on the environment. As the world continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovations like this in the future.