Kansas Governor Vetoes Measure for School Gun-Detection Technology, Citing Competition Concerns

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly vetoes measure for school gun-detection technology, citing concerns over competition and promoting choice in school safety measures.
Kansas Governor Vetoes Measure for School Gun-Detection Technology, Citing Competition Concerns

Kansas Governor Vetoes Measure for School Gun-Detection Technology

Kansas Governor Laura Kelly has vetoed a measure that would have earmarked up to $5 million for gun-detection systems in schools, citing concerns over competition. The vetoed measure would have essentially converted the program into a no-bid contract, benefiting only one particular company, ZeroEyes.

ZeroEyes, a firm founded by military veterans after the fatal shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, uses surveillance cameras and artificial intelligence to spot people with guns and alert local school administrators and law officers. However, the Kansas legislation included a lengthy list of specific criteria that ZeroEyes’ competitors don’t currently meet.

“We should not hamstring districts by limiting this funding opportunity to services provided by one company,” Kelly said in a statement.

The vetoed wording would have required firearm-detection software to be patented, designated as qualified anti-terrorism technology, in compliance with certain security industry standards, already in use in at least 30 states, and capable of detecting three broad firearm classifications with a minimum of 300 subclassifications and at least 2,000 permutations, among other things.

Kelly emphasized that schools should be free to use state funds for other safety measures, including updated communications systems or more security staff.

ZeroEyes has promoted its technology in various states, and similar wording was included in legislation passed last year in Michigan and Utah. However, the Iowa measure was amended so that the anti-terrorism designation is not required of companies until July 1, 2025, giving time for ZeroEyes’ competitors to also receive the federal designation.

School safety measures are crucial in preventing gun violence.

The Kansas veto should serve as an example to governors and lawmakers elsewhere that schools require a choice in their security programs. As Mark Franken, vice president of marketing for Omnilert, a competitor of ZeroEyes, said, “Kelly made the right decision to veto sole source firearm detection provisions to protect schools and preserve competition.”

Gun detection technology can be an effective tool in preventing school shootings.

In conclusion, the veto of the measure for school gun-detection technology is a step in the right direction towards promoting competition and ensuring that schools have a choice in their security programs.

School safety measures are crucial in preventing gun violence.