Leveling the Playing Field: The Rise of Olympic Esports

The Olympic Esports Games are set to revolutionize competitive gaming, with a commitment to achieving full parity for women and a celebration of gaming and esports.
Leveling the Playing Field: The Rise of Olympic Esports

Olympic esports: a new era for competitive gaming?

The International Olympics Committee has made a bold move by announcing a 12-year partnership with Saudi Arabia to stage the standalone Olympic Esports Games. This historic event will put competitive gaming on the same level as the Winter and Summer Olympics, according to Alban Dechelotte, CEO of G2 Esports. The esports industry has been growing steadily over the past 20 years, with millions of people watching the biggest finals. It’s clear that esports is not just a trend, but a legitimate form of entertainment that deserves recognition.

‘Now we get it’

Alban credits the turning point to the 2022 Commonwealth Games and Asian Games, which featured esports events alongside traditional sports. The IOC attended these events and finally understood the potential of competitive gaming. Despite the success of these events, the Commonwealth Games Federation announced that esports would not feature in the 2026 games in Australia. Alban believes this was the right decision, as it allows esports to have its own dedicated space and celebration.

A glimpse into the future of Olympic esports

The Olympic Esports Games will feature a mix of popular games, including Rocket League, League of Legends, and Street Fighter. The question on everyone’s mind is whether first-person shooters like Call of Duty and Counter-Strike 2 will make the cut. Alban has his doubts, but believes it’s possible in the future if the IOC finds a balance with its values.

Alban Dechelotte, CEO of G2 Esports

A Game-Changer for Women in Esports

Women are still underrepresented in esports competitions, and the Esports World Cup has faced criticism for only having one out of 22 events specifically for women. Alban admits that the esports industry has failed female players, not providing enough opportunities for them to perform at the highest level. However, he promises that the Olympic Esports Games will be different, with a commitment to achieving full parity from the inaugural event next year. This would be a game-changer not just for the Olympics, but for esports as a whole.

The future of Olympic esports

The Olympic Esports Games will be a celebration of gaming and esports, with players competing under their national flags. This raises the possibility of superstar players from rival teams joining up to compete for their national sides. It’s an exciting time for competitive gaming, and the Olympic Esports Games are poised to take it to the next level.