Matson Takes the Lead in Whale Detection Technology

Matson, a leading U.S. ocean carrier, is taking a proactive approach to reducing the risk of whale strikes by developing cutting-edge technology to detect whales and alert crew members of their presence.
Matson Takes the Lead in Whale Detection Technology

Matson Takes the Lead in Whale Detection Technology

As the maritime industry continues to grapple with the issue of whale strikes, one U.S. ocean carrier is taking a proactive approach to reducing the risk of collisions. Matson, a leading shipping company, has made significant strides in developing cutting-edge technology to detect whales and alert crew members of their presence.

Rerouting Vessels to Avoid Protected Areas

In August last year, Matson made route adjustments to its weekly triangulating Oakland-Long Beach-Honolulu voyage to minimize the time its vessels spend inside whale protection zones of the northern and southern California coasts. This move was made in collaboration with Fleet Operations, which led the development process for creating these new routes. The goal was to reduce the risk of whale collisions in areas that are known whale migration routes, feeding grounds, and breeding areas.

Whale migration routes

Since the new routes were implemented, Matson’s compliance with voluntary speed reduction guidelines in the protection zones has improved. Through May, Matson has earned an aggregate “B” grade for 2024 from Whale Safe, a vessel monitoring service.

Developing Whale Detection Technology

In addition to rerouting vessels, Matson has partnered with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to develop and test whale detection technology for ships. This technology uses thermal imaging to detect whale spouts and provide real-time information on their distance and bearing from the vessel.

“Our concept is very simple. We have a thermal imaging scanner that scans the surface for whale exhalations or spouts. If a whale surfaces and blows, its thermal signature can be recorded by the camera.” - Dan Zitterbart, WHOI associate scientist

Whale detection camera

The technology is designed to alert vessel crews to the presence of whales several kilometers away within seconds, providing time for most vessels to change course and avoid collisions. The cameras can spot whales day or night, further improving the ability to avoid collisions.

Real-World Testing

As part of the partnership, Matson offered the use of its vessels as test beds for gathering real-world use data WHOI needs for their research and continued development of the technology. Three vessels - Manulani, Manoa, and Daniel K. Inouye - were selected to participate in the research. Manulani will be the first to receive a camera, with the installation expected this month.

Captain Travis Seely, Master of Manulani, welcomes the addition to his vessel. “I’m very excited about being part of the pilot program for this new technology.” He added, “There have been several occasions where we’ve had to maneuver to avoid whale collisions off the California coast. I hope the installation of this specially designed camera truly makes a positive difference in how the maritime industry impacts the marine environment.”

Captain Travis Seely

The Future of Whale Detection

Matson’s commitment to developing whale detection technology is a significant step forward in reducing the risk of whale strikes. As the maritime industry continues to evolve, it’s clear that innovative solutions like this will play a critical role in protecting marine life and ensuring the safety of vessels and their crews.

Whale protection