Media Moves: Bloomberg and Beyond

The latest media moves, including Katie Roof's switch to Bloomberg's venture capital and technology team.
Media Moves: Bloomberg and Beyond

Media Moves: Bloomberg and Beyond

The world of media is constantly in flux, with journalists and reporters moving from one publication to another. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the latest moves in the industry.

Katie Roof Joins Bloomberg’s VC/Tech Team

Katie Roof, a seasoned reporter, is making the move to Bloomberg’s venture capital and technology team in California. Previously, Roof worked on the deals team, covering startups and venture capital. Before joining Bloomberg in 2020, Roof worked for the WSJ Pro Venture Capital publication, where she covered startups and venture capital. Roof has also had stints as a senior writer and video host at TechCrunch, where she co-hosted the popular “Equity” podcast about tech finance.

Katie Roof, Bloomberg News reporter

Roof’s move to the VC/tech team is a significant one, as she brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the role. With her background in covering startups and venture capital, Roof is well-positioned to provide in-depth reporting on the tech industry.

Other Media Moves

It’s not just Roof who’s making a move. Several other journalists are also switching teams. Gizmodo reporter Zeff is departing, while WSJ’s Kwong is also leaving. Meanwhile, an ex-Bloomberg TV anchor is suing the company, alleging discrimination.

The media landscape is constantly changing

Perplexity, a media outlet, has also been in the news recently. The publication plagiarized a Wired story about Perplexity, sparking controversy in the media world.

What’s Next?

As the media landscape continues to evolve, we can expect to see more journalists making moves. With the rise of tech and venture capital, publications are looking for reporters who can provide in-depth coverage of these industries. Roof’s move to Bloomberg’s VC/tech team is just one example of this trend.

The tech industry is constantly evolving

In this article, we’ve taken a look at some of the latest media moves, including Katie Roof’s move to Bloomberg’s VC/tech team. As the media landscape continues to change, we’ll be keeping a close eye on the latest developments.