Mobile City Council Takes Action in Prine Investigation

The Mobile City Council has approved the use of subpoena powers in the ongoing investigation into claims made by former police chief Paul Prine.
Mobile City Council Takes Action in Prine Investigation
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Mobile City Council Takes Action in Prine Investigation

The Mobile City Council has approved the use of subpoena powers in the ongoing investigation into claims made by former police chief Paul Prine. This move comes after the special counsel leading the investigation reported difficulties in obtaining documents and supplemental testimony from Commander Kevin Levy of the Gulf Coast Technology Center.

Background of the Investigation

The investigation was launched after Prine alleged improprieties between the Gulf Coast Technology Center and 321z Insights, a company awarded a $92,000 contract to review Operation Echo Stop, a crime prevention initiative. Prine claimed that the contract was awarded under suspicious circumstances, as 321z Insights was formed just one week before being awarded the contract.

The Gulf Coast Technology Center has been at the center of the investigation.

The Special Counsel’s Request

The special counsel requested supplemental documents from Levy’s private attorney on July 2, but was met with refusal. The special counsel is now seeking “any and all matters, both documentary and testimonial, raised in correspondence from the Special Counsel to Counsel for Kevin Levy dated July 2, 2024.”

The City Council’s Decision

The Mobile City Council unanimously approved the use of subpoena powers to obtain the requested documents. This move is seen as a significant step in the investigation, as it allows the special counsel to compel Levy to provide the necessary information.

The Mobile City Council has taken a strong stance in the investigation.


The investigation into the claims made by Paul Prine is ongoing, and the use of subpoena powers is a significant development. As the special counsel continues to gather evidence, the city of Mobile waits with bated breath for the outcome of the investigation.

Paul Prine’s claims have sparked a wide-ranging investigation.