Navigating Transformation: Tina Salgado on Change Management at New York Tech

Tina Salgado, Change Management Lead at New York Tech, discusses her role and the upcoming Workday implementation as part of Project WIN, aimed at revolutionizing the university's HR and finance systems by 2025.
Navigating Transformation: Tina Salgado on Change Management at New York Tech
Photo by Patrick Campanale on Unsplash

Bridging the Gap: An Inside Look at Change Management with Tina Salgado


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the human side of change management often gets overshadowed by the gadgets and platforms that promise to drive efficiency. At the forefront of this crucial aspect at New York Tech is Tina Salgado, the Change Management Lead in the Information Technology Services department. Since joining the institution in 2023, Salgado has taken the reins on a transformative initiative, known as Project WIN (Workday Implementation Now), which aims to revolutionize the university’s human resources and financial systems by 2025.

Transforming processes at New York Tech

The People Behind the Technology

Salgado considers herself an introvert, yet she exhibits a remarkable ability to connect with people. Her role emphasizes collaboration and understanding the implications of significant changes for university employees. “My responsibility is to bring technology and people together,” she explains, highlighting the dual focus of her position.
Salgado aims to ensure that the implementation of Workday—a unified platform encompassing human resources, finance, and payroll—is a smooth and beneficial transition for all stakeholders involved.

Managing Change: Anticipating Challenges

Change inherently brings uncertainty. One of Salgado’s primary challenges is addressing the apprehension among staff regarding the upcoming changes. Early on, she notes, many are left wondering, “How will this change impact me?” This concern is exacerbated by the project’s nascent status, where a clear picture of the end goal is still forthcoming.

“People are hesitant about it because they’re wondering how it will affect them. We haven’t generated enough buzz yet,” says Salgado.
As part of her strategy, she plans to enhance communication through engaging platforms—including town halls and online resources—to alleviate concerns and demystify the upcoming transitions.

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Clear Communication: The Key to Understanding

Salgado prioritizes listening and engagement to bridge gaps in understanding between the technology and its users. She understands that employees are not resistant to change itself; rather, they often struggle with the implementation process. To tackle this, Salgado is spearheading initiatives that include the creation of informative web pages dedicated to knowledge sharing and employee training.

Through building a robust resource hub, she seeks to empower the university community to feel equipped and knowledgeable about the changes ahead. “Change management helps with the process. We will start to have more town halls, demonstrations, newsletters, and training as we progress,” she asserts.

The Benefits of Workday

So, what can the university community expect from the implementation of Workday? According to Salgado, this unified platform will significantly streamline many bureaucratic processes. Workday promises to replace outdated spreadsheets with an integrated automated system, leading to improved data accuracy and efficiency in reporting functions.

Salgado emphasizes this operational transformation by stating, “The administrative burden will be reduced because the reporting function is robust.” With the implementation of innovative technology, New York Tech aims not only to enhance its functionality but also to create a user-friendly experience for its employees.

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A Journey Into Change Management

Salgado’s path to change management has been an interesting one. Armed with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in business management, her career began in auto mechanics, where she developed a fascination for understanding complex systems and processes. “I wanted to understand how things worked—and how I can explain it to people who don’t understand how it works,” she reflects.

Over the years, her expertise flourished through work in large corporations, and today, she finds joy in her role, exploring the intersection of technology and leadership.


As New York Tech prepares for a major overhaul of its systems with Project WIN, Tina Salgado stands as a beacon of support and guidance for both technology and people. Her engaging approach to change management will be instrumental in ensuring that the institution not only embraces the new but thrives in its implementation. By prioritizing empathy and communication, Salgado reinforces that technology should serve people, not the other way around—a crucial lesson in today’s digital age.

Stay tuned for more updates on Project WIN and the transformative efforts at New York Tech.