New Era for Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University appoints Derek Ham as the new director of its Entertainment Technology Center, bringing a wealth of experience in game-based learning, algorithmic thinking, and immersive storytelling.
New Era for Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University

New Era for Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University has appointed Derek Ham as the new director of its Entertainment Technology Center (ETC), effective September 1. Ham, currently the head of the Department of Media Arts, Design and Technology at North Carolina State University, brings with him a wealth of experience in game-based learning, algorithmic thinking, and immersive storytelling.

New Director of ETC at Carnegie Mellon University

Ham’s research focuses on the intersection of technology and storytelling, and he is excited to lead the ETC in its mission to push the boundaries of interactive entertainment. “You can tell a lot about an institution by its foundations, the way it was formed and who formed it,” Ham said. “The origin of the ETC as a place founded between the School of Computer Science and the College of Fine Arts is one that resonates with me tremendously.”

The ETC is a premier professional graduate program for interactive entertainment, focused on educational goals and creative development. Ham is drawn to the center’s interdisciplinary nature, which brings together people from diverse backgrounds such as game design, film, animation, computer science, sound and light engineering, and more.

The Future of Interactive Entertainment

Ham’s vision for the ETC is one of innovation, where students and faculty are not satisfied with creating mockups or simple wireframes, but are actually making tangible things that can be experienced. He predicts that in the next few years, the ETC will be providing examples of innovative experiences on next-generation headsets and screens, and playing a part in creating completely new forms of entertainment and introducing new technology-infused human experiences.

Ham is committed to ensuring that the ETC’s innovative practices are ethical and inclusive, and that the center takes on the challenges of the entertainment industry in a way that benefits everyone.

The Future of Entertainment Technology

As the ETC moves forward under Ham’s leadership, it is poised to make a significant impact on the entertainment industry, driving innovation and creativity in the years to come.