Nuclear Energy: The Future of Clean Power?

The recent passage of the ADVANCE Act has put nuclear energy back in the spotlight. This bipartisan legislation aims to spur innovation and investment in nuclear technologies, making it an attractive option for clean energy.
Nuclear Energy: The Future of Clean Power?

Nuclear Energy: The Future of Clean Power?

The recent passage of the Fire Grants and Safety Act, which includes the ADVANCE Act, has put nuclear energy back in the spotlight. This bipartisan legislation aims to spur innovation and investment in nuclear technologies, making it an attractive option for clean energy.

Nuclear power plants could be the key to a sustainable future.

The ADVANCE Act simplifies nuclear reactor permitting and deployment, and updates the authority and processes of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This move is seen as a significant step towards reducing the country’s reliance on coal and natural gas, and increasing energy independence.

“Nuclear power generation has gained bipartisan support largely because it is ‘clean energy’ that is sustainable.” - [Source]

The need for clean energy is more pressing than ever, with energy demands skyrocketing and the nation’s power grid straining to keep up. The development of new nuclear technologies, such as Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), offers a promising solution.

SMRs: The Future of Nuclear Energy

SMRs are advanced nuclear reactors that have a power capacity of up to 300 MW(e) per unit, making them a fraction of the size of traditional nuclear reactors. They can be easily assembled and transported, and harness nuclear fission to generate heat and produce energy.

Small Modular Reactors could revolutionize the nuclear industry.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, SMRs demonstrate that nuclear energy should be at the forefront of energy policy discussions. They offer a clean, reliable, and inexpensive source of energy.

Mississippi’s View on Nuclear Energy

In Mississippi, the Public Service Commission (PSC) has voiced its support for the advancement of nuclear energy. The Commission believes that nuclear energy is a clean base-load energy source necessary for a reliable, secure, and diversified energy grid.

“I think nuclear is the future. It’s clean, it’s reliable. Overall, it’s inexpensive.” - Chris Brown, Northern District Public Service Commissioner

The PSC is considering the possibility of using the Yellow Creek site in Tishomingo County for future deployment of SMRs. The modular nature of SMRs makes them cheaper to construct and easier to place around the grid based on energy needs.

The Future of Nuclear Energy

As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, nuclear energy is poised to play a significant role. With the passage of the ADVANCE Act and the development of new technologies like SMRs, the future of nuclear energy looks bright.

The future of nuclear energy is full of possibilities.

The Mississippi PSC is planning to host a series of open meetings later this summer to discuss the possibility of Mississippi’s energy future as it pertains to nuclear, as well as the costs and benefits of the technology.