Perfect Score: Radiologic Technology Graduates Achieve 100% Pass Rate on ARRT Exam

Wor-Wic Community College's radiologic technology graduates achieve a perfect score on the ARRT exam, a testament to their hard work and exceptional training.
Perfect Score: Radiologic Technology Graduates Achieve 100% Pass Rate on ARRT Exam

Perfect Score: Radiologic Technology Graduates Achieve 100% Pass Rate on ARRT Exam

As a journalist, I’ve had the privilege of covering numerous success stories in the field of radiologic technology. But none have impressed me quite like the recent graduates of Wor-Wic Community College’s radiologic technology program. In a remarkable feat, all eight graduates passed the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) exam on their first attempt, achieving a perfect score.

Wor-Wic Community College’s radiologic technology graduates celebrate their perfect score on the ARRT exam.

This impressive achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the students, as well as the exceptional training they received at Wor-Wic. The national average for first-time pass rates on the ARRT exam is 84.4%, making this accomplishment all the more remarkable.

The graduates, who have already secured jobs in the field, were honored at an awards and recognition ceremony, marking the first time in the program’s 43-year history. Dr. Karie Solembrino, dean of health professions and a graduate of the Wor-Wic radiologic technology program herself, addressed the graduates, emphasizing the importance of advocating for patients and providing comfort in addition to clinical skill.

“Take every opportunity to practice and become more proficient… the most uncomfortable situations provide impactful learning experiences that will shape you as a person.”

The graduates underwent rigorous training, including clinical procedures and positioning, pharmacology, infection control, pathology, and radiation safety, both in the classroom and in clinical settings. They spent nearly 1,500 hours in clinical settings, performing exams on actual patients.

Wor-Wic Community College’s radiologic technology students receive hands-on training in clinical settings.

Cynthia Ross, department head and assistant professor of radiologic technology, noted that the students’ training has prepared them to make a significant impact in the field. Mari Strauss, instructor of radiologic technology, echoed this sentiment, stating, “As a result of your training and skilled work, lives will be saved, diagnoses will be made, and treatments will be performed to better the lives of our patients.”

The graduates, including Olivia Carichner, Brittany Craige, James Hoffnagle, Andrea Meehan, Dana Walters, Cole Espy, Ashleigh Frampton, and Leighann Linton, have set a high standard for future radiologic technology graduates. Their achievement serves as a testament to the excellence of Wor-Wic Community College’s program and the dedication of its students.

The graduates celebrate their achievement, surrounded by family and friends.