Policing the Future: How One Department is Revolutionizing Recruitment

The Cheltenham Township Police Department is using innovative recruitment strategies, including electronic road signs and QR codes, to attract new officers.
Policing the Future: How One Department is Revolutionizing Recruitment

Recruiting the Next Generation of Police Officers

As I drove down Old York Road, I couldn’t help but notice the electronic road signs outside the Cheltenham Township Police Department. The signs, strategically placed near Salus University and Arcadia University, caught my attention with their bold message: “We’re looking for Police Officers! Sign up today to take the Cheltenham Police Officer Exam on March 30th!”

Cheltenham Township Police Department’s innovative recruitment strategy

The Cheltenham Township Police Department is thinking outside the box to attract new recruits. By leveraging technology and social media, they’re hoping to reach a wider audience and fill their ranks with talented and dedicated individuals.

“Thirty or 40,000 cars a day drive down Old York Road and Easton Road, so, we figured, perfect spot to put them,” said Cheltenham Police Lieutenant Andrew Snyder.

The department is aiming to get between 180 and 200 applicants for the upcoming police academy test. With the signs up since mid-February, they’re close to reaching their goal. It’s no coincidence that the signs are near college campuses, as about 65% of the police department have college degrees, with over 10% holding master’s degrees or higher.

Cheltenham patrol officer Kyle Turner, who uses his criminology degree to connect with the community

“It has been a great decision. It’s helped me and my family financially, job security,” said Officer Turner, highlighting the benefits of a career in law enforcement.

In addition to the road signs, the department is using QR codes on marked vehicles to reach even more potential applicants. Social media has also been a huge help in spreading the word.

QR codes on police vehicles, another innovative recruitment strategy

As I reflect on the importance of community policing, I’m heartened to see the Cheltenham Township Police Department’s proactive approach to recruitment. By embracing technology and social media, they’re not only attracting new talent but also building a more diverse and educated police force.

The Cheltenham Police Officer Exam is scheduled for March 30th

If you’re interested in a career in law enforcement, I encourage you to take the first step. Scan the QR code or visit cheltenhampa.gov/policetest to apply for the Cheltenham Police Officer Exam. Who knows, you might just become the next generation of police officers making a difference in your community.