Redefining Mars Exploration: New Techniques Revolutionize Atmospheric Studies

An overview of the groundbreaking advancements made in measuring Mars' atmosphere through innovative repurposed technology, showcasing collaboration between the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and Mars Express.
Redefining Mars Exploration: New Techniques Revolutionize Atmospheric Studies
Photo by Jongsun Lee on Unsplash

Exploring New Depths: Mars’ Atmosphere Under the Microscope

An innovative application of repurposed technology is reshaping our understanding of the Martian atmosphere. Researchers from Imperial College London have harnessed an antenna from the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) to make groundbreaking measurements, revealing previously inaccessible atmospheric layers. This advancement could play a pivotal role in future Mars habitation studies.

Cutting-edge exploration of Mars’ atmosphere.

The collaborative effort also included partnerships with the European Space Agency (ESA), allowing for the successful examination of Martian atmospheric phenomena that can obstruct radio signals—an essential factor for missions aiming to establish a human presence on the Red Planet. According to the research, the team’s novel technique has already yielded significant results from the first 83 measurements, with findings published in the journal Radio Science.

A New Collaborative Approach

The methodology employed by the TGO involved synergizing with another ESA spacecraft, Mars Express (MEX). These spacecraft maintained a continuous radio link, enabling researchers to probe deeper into the Martian atmosphere as the TGO passed behind the planet. This interaction facilitated the analysis of changes in atmospheric refractivity, a measure of how the atmosphere bends radio waves. These shifts are minor yet crucial, allowing scientists to ascertain both the density of the lower atmosphere and the electron concentration in the ionosphere.

Lead author Jacob Parrott, a PhD student at Imperial’s Department of Physics, emphasized the ingenuity required. “The systems on MEX and TGO were not originally devised for this purpose; we had to reprogram them while in flight to enable this new exploratory science initiative.”

Visual representation of the ExoMars Orbiter in action.

Transforming Mars Science

Historically, radio occultation methods have mainly depended on communications between orbiters and terrestrial ground stations. This conventional technique, while effective, is limited—in part due to it typically capturing fixed points based on Earth’s orbital position. As a result, significant global changes on Mars were often overlooked.

ESA’s radio occultation method, however, marks a monumental shift. Previously, this approach had only seen limited application on Mars, being tested only three times before, primarily as a hardware demonstration by NASA in 2007. For the first time, this method is now being systematically applied to study the Red Planet, showcasing its viability for future missions.

Increased Insights and Accessibility

The shift from Earth-based to spacecraft-to-spacecraft measurements offers a profound advantage: an ability to gather more extensive data across variable atmospheric regions. Traditional methods face limitations such as specific operable seasons and fixed measurement locations. In contrast, mutual radio occultation presents an opportunity to gather atmospheric data continuously around noon and midnight—ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of Martian conditions.

Dr. Colin Wilson, Project Scientist for ExoMars and MEX, stated, “ESA has now demonstrated the potential of this technique, which could be transformative for future Mars explorations. As we continue to increase the number of spacecraft orbiting Mars, the frequency of radio occultation opportunities will rise exponentially, enhancing our understanding of the planet’s ambiance massively.”

An aerial view of Mars, highlighting exploration zones.

With over seven spacecraft currently orbiting Mars, the future is bright for atmospheric and geological studies of the Red Planet. The introduction of mutual radio occultation expands the types of measurements available to scientists, allowing them to access a broader array of data than ever before.

Analytical efforts like these will surmount historical constraints, ushering in a new era of Mars research focused on comprehensive atmospheric connectivity and global accessibility. Researchers hope to apply this technique more widely in upcoming Mars missions, potentially leading to broader insights into both the Martian atmosphere and its evolution.


As technological innovations continue to take shape, missions like ExoMars pave the way for new discoveries that could not only enhance our understanding of Mars but also inform strategies for potential human colonization. The collaborative efforts of researchers signify a determined commitment to unraveling the mysteries of our neighboring planet. As Parrott aptly concludes, “True exploration requires innovation, and this groundbreaking technique opens up exciting new pathways to understanding Mars in depth.”

Scientific endeavors such as these reiterate the essential nature of cooperative research in the vast arena of space exploration, steering us closer to comprehending not just Mars, but the possibilities of life beyond Earth.

Future possibilities in Mars exploration.