Reducing Traffic Fatalities: Senators Look to Advanced Technology and Funding

Senators are calling for action to reduce the staggering number of traffic fatalities in the US, exploring advanced technology and infrastructure improvements to create safer roadways.
Reducing Traffic Fatalities: Senators Look to Advanced Technology and Funding

Reducing Traffic Fatalities: Senators Look to Advanced Technology and Funding

According to recent statistics, nearly 100 people across the US die in a traffic-related accident every day. This staggering number has prompted members of Congress to take action, making road safety a top priority.

“Every day, unfortunately, more than 100 Americans lose their lives on the road,” said Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI). “If trends continue, there will be more than 40,000 deaths this year and hundreds of thousands of serious injuries.”

The Department of Transportation’s latest statistics reveal that in 2022, states like Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania had around 1,100 to 1,200 traffic fatalities. Roughly half of these involved passenger cars, with a third attributed to alcohol-impaired driving and another third to speed-related fatalities.

A tragic reminder of the importance of road safety

Senators are calling the rising number of traffic deaths a national crisis. To combat this, they are exploring the use of advanced technology, such as autonomous vehicles, to create safer roadways for everyone.

“Unlike human drivers, autonomous vehicles do not get distracted, tired, or impaired,” said Sen. Todd Young (R-IN). “They can react to hazards more quickly and make split-second decisions based on vast amounts of data no human can process.”

While technology is seen as a crucial component in reducing traffic fatalities, Senators acknowledge that it is only part of the solution. Improving roadway infrastructure is also essential to preventing additional crashes.

“We must also focus on improving our roadway infrastructure to improve safety,” said Sen. Young. “This includes maintaining road quality and improving federal funding, focused federal funding to leverage state, local, and private funding for infrastructure projects that will vastly improve roadway safety.”

Investing in infrastructure is key to reducing traffic fatalities

The fight against traffic fatalities is a multifaceted one, requiring a combination of advanced technology, public safety campaigns, and infrastructure improvements. As Senators continue to explore innovative solutions, one thing is clear: the lives of thousands of Americans depend on it.

The future of road safety: autonomous vehicles