Revolutionizing Hospitality: Shiji Infrasys Cloud POS and Shiji Digital Dine Launch Innovative Features

Shiji Infrasys Cloud POS and Shiji Digital Dine launch new features to improve staff mobility, guest payments, and business intelligence, enhancing the guest experience and streamlining operations.
Revolutionizing Hospitality: Shiji Infrasys Cloud POS and Shiji Digital Dine Launch Innovative Features
Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Shiji Infrasys Cloud POS and Shiji Digital Dine Launch New Features to Improve Staff Mobility, Guest Payments, and Business Intelligence

As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, it’s clear that technology plays a vital role in enhancing the guest experience and streamlining operations. In a recent update, Shiji Infrasys Cloud POS and Shiji Digital Dine have launched five major new features and updates, strategically partnered with industry leaders to improve staff mobility, guest payments, and business intelligence.

Mobility Unleashed

The new mobile payments feature, in partnership with iPort, allows staff to take guest orders and payments seamlessly from anywhere on-property. This all-in-one payment solution is a game-changer for hotels looking to increase F&B revenue and improve the overall guest experience. Imagine being able to take orders by the pool or at the rooftop bar - the possibilities are endless.

Staff can now take orders and payments from anywhere on-property

A New Era of UX

The comprehensive UX overhaul of Shiji’s mobile ordering solution, Digital Dine, is a significant step forward in improving the guest experience. With a seamless and intuitive interface, guests can now easily place orders and make payments, reducing wait times and increasing overall satisfaction.

The new and improved Digital Dine interface

Rivalry Tech Integration

The integration with kiosk partner Rivalry Tech provides self-ordering devices for various service types, including marketplace, counter, and table service outlets. This innovative solution streamlines operations and reduces wait times, allowing hotels to focus on what matters most - providing exceptional service to their guests.

Rivalry Tech’s self-ordering devices improve operational efficiency

Guest Alert

The new guest alert feature is a significant improvement in communication and operational efficiency. Guests can now receive their order status via SMS, reducing wait times and improving overall satisfaction.

Guests can now receive order updates via SMS

Advanced BI

The advanced business intelligence capabilities within Enterprise Reporting equip F&B teams with the insights needed to manage their operations efficiently. With real-time data and analytics, hotels can make informed decisions to drive revenue and improve the guest experience.

Advanced business intelligence capabilities provide valuable insights

In an industry where technology is constantly evolving, it’s refreshing to see companies like Shiji Infrasys Cloud POS and Shiji Digital Dine pushing the boundaries of innovation. With these new features and updates, hotels can now provide exceptional service, increase revenue, and improve operational efficiency.

“With this year’s summer update, we’re looking to help hotels increase F&B revenue, with more mobility and faster payments,” said Ryan King, Senior Vice President, Americas. “With bars, rooftops, and pools opening at hotels across the northern hemisphere, it is important to us to give hoteliers the tools to best serve their guests, wherever they are on-site. This update reflects our commitment to helping our customers create better guest experiences through technology.”