Revolutionizing IoT Security: New Technology Reduces Risk of Cyberattacks

A new technology developed by researchers at Brigham Young University reduces the risk of cyberattacks through home devices by allowing communication between IoT devices and Wi-Fi networks without granting full access.
Revolutionizing IoT Security: New Technology Reduces Risk of Cyberattacks

New Technology Reduces Risk of Cyberattacks through Home Devices


The increasing trend of connecting household devices to the internet has brought about a new level of convenience to our daily lives. From thermostats to doorbells, and even pet feeders, it seems like every new device is Wi-Fi enabled. However, this convenience comes with a price - the risk of cyberattacks. Internet of Things (IoT) devices are often plagued with security vulnerabilities, making them an easy target for hackers.

IoT devices are vulnerable to cyberattacks

A team of researchers from Brigham Young University, led by computer engineering professor Phil Lundrigan, has developed a technology that reduces the risk of devices connected to the internet serving as backdoors into private networks. The technology, called Latency Shift Keying (LSK), allows for communication between a Wi-Fi device and a trusted Wi-Fi network without connecting the device to the network.

Wi-Fi security is a major concern

According to Lundrigan, the design of Wi-Fi’s security is the root of the problem. When you connect a device to your Wi-Fi network, you give the device full access to your network, which can compromise your entire network if the device is infected with malware. Lundrigan likens this to giving someone the keys to your house, with no in-between option.

The LSK technology solves this problem by allowing communication between the device and the network without granting full access. It works by strategically jamming the Wi-Fi communications with the device, which causes a momentary increase in latency. This latency pattern conveys information, which is then detected by a device on the network.

Latency Shift Keying (LSK) technology

The result is a secure way to connect IoT devices to your network without compromising your security. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we connect our devices to the internet, making our online lives safer and more secure.

A safer internet for all