Saving Lives with Smart Traffic Lights: Henry County's Innovative Solution

Henry County has installed new traffic light technology aimed at saving lives and property by getting emergency vehicles to their destinations faster.
Saving Lives with Smart Traffic Lights: Henry County's Innovative Solution

Saving Lives with Smart Traffic Lights: Henry County’s Innovative Solution

When it comes to emergency responses, every second counts. In Henry County, officials are taking a proactive approach to ensure that first responders can reach their destinations as quickly as possible. The county has installed new traffic light technology aimed at saving lives and property.

Smart traffic lights in action

The innovative system is designed to get emergency vehicles to their destinations faster by turning red traffic lights to green. This is made possible through the Connected Vehicle Pilot Program, a partnership between Henry County and the Georgia Department of Transportation.

“When it comes to emergencies, just a few seconds or minutes can make a life and death difference.” - Shamsul Baker, Director of Transportation Planning for Henry County

The technology requires two pieces of equipment: a roadside unit installed at the road intersection and an onboard unit installed inside or on top of a vehicle. Already, 32 of the busiest intersections in the county have the roadside units installed, and 45 Henry County fire trucks have onboard units installed.

Henry County fire trucks equipped with onboard units

The goal of the program is to reduce response times and save lives. By tracking the progress of the program, county officials will be able to determine its effectiveness in making a difference in emergency situations.

Emergency responders in action

Henry County’s innovative approach to traffic management is a step in the right direction towards creating a safer and more efficient emergency response system.