Solar Power with Battery Storage: A Game-Changer for Renewable Energy

A recent study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE has found that solar power systems combined with battery storage are now more cost-effective than traditional coal or gas power plants.
Solar Power with Battery Storage: A Game-Changer for Renewable Energy
Photo by Good Days Digital on Unsplash

Solar Power with Battery Storage: A Game-Changer for Renewable Energy

A recent study by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE has found that solar power systems combined with battery storage are now more cost-effective than traditional coal or gas power plants. This breakthrough has significant implications for the future of renewable energy and the transition to a more sustainable energy system.

The Cost of Renewable Energy

The study analyzed the cost of electricity generation for various power plants, including solar power systems with battery storage. The results showed that the cost of electricity generation for solar power systems with battery storage in Germany ranged from 6.0 to 22.5 cents per kilowatt-hour. This wide range is due to the high cost differences for battery systems (400 to 1000 euros per kilowatt-hour) in combination with the cost differences for solar power systems and the varying levels of solar radiation at the installation site.

Solar power systems on rooftops are becoming increasingly popular

The Future of Renewable Energy

The study team considered the cost developments for the construction and operation of power plants until 2045. By 2045, the cost of electricity generation for small solar rooftop systems is expected to range from 4.9 to 10.4 cents per kilowatt-hour, and between 3.1 and 5.0 cents per kilowatt-hour for solar open-space systems.

Flexible Power Plants: A Necessary but Expensive Solution

In a climate-neutral energy system with a high share of renewable energy, flexible power plants are necessary as a backup to ensure a stable energy supply. However, these power plants come with significantly higher electricity generation costs.

Wind turbines are an essential part of the transition to renewable energy


The study’s findings demonstrate that solar power systems with battery storage are now a cost-effective alternative to traditional power plants. As the world transitions to a more sustainable energy system, the importance of renewable energy sources like solar power will only continue to grow. With the cost of electricity generation for solar power systems expected to decrease further in the coming years, it is likely that solar power will play an increasingly significant role in the global energy mix.

The future of energy is renewable