The Dark Side of AI: How Voice Assistants and Chatbots are Spreading Misinformation

The rise of AI chatbots and voice assistants has brought a new era of misinformation. This article explores how these digital assistants are spreading harmful falsehoods, particularly in the context of elections.
The Dark Side of AI: How Voice Assistants and Chatbots are Spreading Misinformation
Photo by Shahadat Rahman on Unsplash

The Dark Side of AI: How Voice Assistants and Chatbots are Spreading Misinformation

As we approach the next U.S. presidential election, a disturbing trend has emerged. Popular AI chatbots and voice assistants are providing harmful misinformation to users. This is a pressing concern, as these digital assistants are poised to play a significant role in shaping the electorate’s media diet.

The 2020 Election Conundrum

I recently discovered that Alexa, Amazon’s voice assistant, often fails to provide the correct answer when asked who won the 2020 presidential election. Instead, it cites dubious online sources, such as RealClearPolitics, claiming that Donald Trump is the front-runner for the Republican nomination. This is a blatant falsehood, as Joe Biden won the election with a clear majority in the electoral college and over 51% of the popular vote.

Caption: The 2020 U.S. presidential election results

The Silence of Microsoft and Google

Meanwhile, chatbots built by Microsoft and Google refuse to answer the question altogether. When asked about the 2020 election, Microsoft’s Copilot responds with a vague message, suggesting that users explore Bing Search results. Google’s Gemini takes a similar approach, stating that it’s still learning how to answer the question and directing users to Google Search.

Caption: AI chatbots and voice assistants are increasingly influential in shaping our media diet

The Stakes are High

This is not just a minor glitch. The spread of misinformation has serious consequences, particularly in the context of elections. As tech companies invest in technology that pushes users towards a single definitive answer, the stakes are higher than ever. It’s crucial that we hold these companies accountable for providing accurate information.

A Glimmer of Hope

Not all AI assistants are failing us. OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Apple’s Siri accurately answer questions about the U.S. election. This gives us hope that it’s possible to develop AI systems that provide reliable information.

Caption: Some AI assistants are getting it right

The Road Ahead

As we move forward, it’s essential that we prioritize the development of AI systems that prioritize accuracy and truth. The future of our democracy depends on it.