The Dark Side of IoT Adoption in Hotels: A Growing Security Concern

The hotel industry's increasing reliance on IoT devices has led to a surge in security concerns. A recent report highlights the current state of IoT security in the hotel industry and provides actionable recommendations for enhancing protection against IoT-based threats.
The Dark Side of IoT Adoption in Hotels: A Growing Security Concern
Photo by Yash Banka on Unsplash

IoT Security in the Hotel Industry: A Growing Concern

The hotel industry has been rapidly adopting IoT devices to enhance operational efficiency and improve guest experiences. However, this increased reliance on IoT devices has led to a surge in security concerns. A recent report by Starfleet Research, underwritten by Palo Alto Networks, highlights the current state of IoT security in the hotel industry and provides actionable recommendations for enhancing protection against IoT-based threats.

The Rise of IoT in Hotels

Hotels and resorts are increasingly integrating IoT devices to improve energy efficiency and reduce waste. According to the report, 64% of hotels have deployed energy management solutions, connected lighting, and water monitoring applications. Additionally, 76% of hotels have implemented IoT technology for smart guest engagement and security systems.

The Dark Side of IoT Adoption

Despite the benefits of IoT adoption, the report reveals a significant gap in confidence among hoteliers regarding their ability to safeguard IoT devices. Only 35% of hoteliers are “very confident” in their ability to safeguard the IoT devices on their networks. Moreover, 83% of hotels have experienced one or more security breaches related to their IoT devices in the past three years.

The Challenges of IoT Security

Hoteliers cite financial loss, customer data theft, brand reputational damage, and operational disruptions as top concerns related to cyber attacks via IoT devices. The report highlights several challenges that hotels face in securing their IoT devices, including:

  • Lack of visibility: Only 31% of hoteliers have “complete visibility of all devices, including quick and accurate discovery of previously unseen and unmanaged devices.”
  • Complexity of IoT ecosystem: 73% of hoteliers cite the complexity of their IoT ecosystem as a top challenge when it comes to improving their IoT security capabilities.
  • Technology shortcomings: 76% of hoteliers cite technology shortcomings of their current security solution(s) as a top challenge their organizations face in securing their IoT devices.
  • Lack of Zero Trust security principles: 78% of hoteliers say their organizations lack IoT security technology that utilizes network segmentation by least privileged trust zones following the Zero Trust security principles.

The Future of IoT Security in Hotels

As IoT technology continues to evolve, it holds transformative potential for the hotel industry. However, hoteliers must prioritize next-generation IoT security capabilities to safeguard their valuable assets and maintain guest trust. The report serves as a wake-up call for hoteliers to take immediate action to address the growing IoT security concerns.

Hotel IoT Security

IoT Devices in Hotels

Hotel Cybersecurity