The Emotional Toll of Social Media: How Using X Affects Well-Being

A study by the University of Toronto reveals the emotional impact of using social media platform X on individuals' well-being, highlighting the immediate consequences of increased outrage and decreased positive emotions.
The Emotional Toll of Social Media: How Using X Affects Well-Being

Logging On to X Associated With Immediate Drop in Positive Emotions

In a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto, the impact of using social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) on individuals’ well-being has been brought to light. While X may provide a sense of belonging for some users, it also comes with immediate consequences such as a decrease in positive emotions like joy and an increase in outrage, political polarization, and boredom.

someone on their phone on twitter A person on their phone

The Emotional Toll of Social Media Use

The study, published in the journal Communications Psychology, revealed that the reasons behind using X, whether to check the news or out of boredom, significantly influence the emotional responses of individuals while using the platform. The study tracked the emotions of 252 users in the United States and found consistent results across various demographics.

Impact on Well-Being

Users who turned to X as an escape from their problems reported lower well-being levels, increased anger, and unhappiness. Frequent users of X tended to feel more bored and lonelier, especially after using the platform. The study emphasized that even actions that made users feel more connected did not translate into increased positive emotions.

The Role of Political Polarization

Interestingly, politically polarized users were more likely to retweet content, contributing to increased polarization. Users often experienced heightened anger levels after using X, particularly when seeking information or engaging with differing political views.

Seeking Social Interaction

On the other hand, users who used X for social interaction, such as replying to tweets or exploring trending topics, reported a boost in their sense of belonging. However, the study highlighted that the emotional benefits of interacting with others in person far outweigh those of engaging on X.

Recommendations for Social Media Use

The findings suggest that intentional and mindful use of social media platforms is crucial. Avoiding X when feeling bored or frustrated may help mitigate the negative emotional impacts associated with its use.


While X offers a platform for connection and information sharing, its effects on users’ well-being, sense of belonging, and emotional state are profound. As social media continues to evolve, understanding the impact of online interactions on mental health remains a critical area of research.


Oldemburgo De Mello V, Cheung F, Inzlicht M. Twitter (X) use predicts substantial changes in well-being, polarization, sense of belonging, and outrage. Commun Psychol. 2024;2(1):15. Read more

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