The Productivity Paradox: Why Fully Remote Companies Are Winning

New report finds that fully remote businesses are more productive than hybrid and fully in-person companies, challenging the notion that return-to-office policies are necessary for success.
The Productivity Paradox: Why Fully Remote Companies Are Winning

The Rise of Fully Remote Companies: Why They’re More Productive

Despite the push for return-to-office (RTO) policies, new findings suggest that fully remote businesses are more productive than their hybrid and fully in-person counterparts. According to our report, 64% of fully remote businesses believe they are highly productive, compared to 54% of fully in-person businesses and 53% of hybrid teams.

The shift to remote work has led to increased productivity for many businesses.

So, what’s behind this trend? For one, remote workers cite fewer distractions, such as people talking, poor equipment, and lack of private spaces to make calls. However, some remote workers still face challenges, including distractions from family members and limitations of virtual communication.

In-person workplaces can be distracting, but they also provide valuable opportunities for collaboration and socialization.

In-person workplaces continue to provide valuable spaces for many workers, especially those who rely on communication and innovation. Despite the success of remote work, many workers are willing to commute to the office more than required, with 62% of employees commuting in one day more than expected, and 14% coming in for an extra two to four days.

AI is a valuable tool in driving up efficiency, especially when it comes to automating clerical and administrative tasks.

Our report also found that how you work is just as important as where you work when it comes to getting results. Businesses that use AI extensively are more likely to report high organizational productivity, with 72% of businesses that use AI extensively self-reporting high productivity.

Businesses are using AI tools like ChatGPT to streamline processes, including data analysis, writing tasks, and calendar management.

Ultimately, maintaining a balanced AI strategy is crucial for business leaders to find a productivity sweet spot going forward. Shaping your working model around the needs and desires of your employees is also necessary to avoid sacrificing a loyal and happy workforce.