The Race to Save Our Planet: Granholm Calls for Innovation in Energy and Climate

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm visits North Texas for the ARPA-E Innovation Summit, calling for innovative solutions to address America's energy challenges and climate problems.
The Race to Save Our Planet: Granholm Calls for Innovation in Energy and Climate

The Future of America’s Climate and Power Problems

As I sat in the audience listening to U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm’s powerful words at the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Innovation Summit, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of urgency. The annual conference and technology showcase brought together hundreds of scientists, engineers, and investors from around the country and globe, all united by a common goal: to address America’s energy challenges in new and innovative ways.

The ARPA-E Innovation Summit brings together experts from various technical disciplines to collaborate on addressing America’s energy challenges.

Granholm’s keynote speech was a call to action, comparing the energy and climate issues to the moon race from 50 years ago, except this race has a different end goal. “This is also a race, as you all know, to save our shared home, this planet. The people in this room are America’s best hope, the technologies that you create will decide whether we win this race. But no pressure,” she joked during her speech.

U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm delivers her keynote speech at the ARPA-E Innovation Summit.

Texas is all too familiar with energy challenges. The February 2021 power crisis, which experts have said was caused by the failure to winterize natural gas power sources, as well as some wind and solar sources, is still fresh in the minds of Texans. Granholm held a fireside chat with energy leaders to discuss how technologies supported by the Department of Energy are making an impact and driving American innovation.

The February 2021 power crisis in Texas highlighted the need for innovative solutions to address America’s energy challenges.

Granholm pressed scientists in the room to continue coming up with solutions to cut back on pollution and emissions, among other climate and renewable energy goals set forth by the Biden administration. She also acknowledged the uphill battle on Capitol Hill, where Republicans have accused the Biden administration of “starting a war” with American fossil-fuel production with the president’s climate agenda.

The Biden administration’s climate agenda aims to drive innovation in renewable energy and reduce America’s reliance on fossil fuels.

Granholm closed her trip to DFW with a speech on U.S. industrial policy and achievements to the North Texas Commission. As I left the summit, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of hope. The people in that room are America’s best hope, and the technologies they create will decide whether we win this race.

The ARPA-E Innovation Summit brings together experts from various technical disciplines to collaborate on addressing America’s energy challenges, giving us hope for a sustainable future.