TikTok Takes a Step Towards Transparency in AI-Generated Content

TikTok takes a step towards transparency in AI-generated content, labeling content created using artificial intelligence when uploaded from certain platforms.
TikTok Takes a Step Towards Transparency in AI-Generated Content

TikTok Takes a Step Towards Transparency

The rise of artificial intelligence-generated content has brought about a new era of creativity and innovation. However, it has also raised concerns about misinformation and the need for transparency. In a bid to combat misinformation, TikTok has announced that it will start labeling content created using artificial intelligence when it’s uploaded from certain platforms.

“AI enables incredible creative opportunities, but can confuse or mislead viewers if they don’t know content was AI-generated,” the company said in a statement.

This move is part of a broader attempt in the technology industry to provide more safeguards for AI usage. Meta has announced that it’s working with industry partners on technical standards that will make it easier to identify images and eventually video and audio generated by artificial intelligence tools. Google has also announced that AI labels are coming to YouTube and its other platforms.

TikTok’s Shift in Policy

TikTok’s shift in policy is significant, as it marks a step towards transparency in the use of AI-generated content. The company is teaming up with the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity and will use their Content Credentials technology. This technology can attach metadata to content, which can be used to instantly recognize and label AI-generated content.

TikTok’s new policy aims to provide more transparency in AI-generated content

The company has begun deploying the technology on images and videos and will soon roll it out to audio-only content. This move is expected to help identify AI-generated material that’s made on TikTok and help people learn when, where, and how the content was made or edited.

Industry-Wide Adoption

TikTok is not the only platform taking steps towards transparency in AI-generated content. The Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative aims to push the adoption of Content Credentials within the industry. TikTok has joined the initiative, becoming the first video-sharing platform to put the credentials into practice.

TikTok joins the Adobe-led Content Authenticity Initiative

The Future of AI-Generated Content

As AI-generated content becomes more prevalent, it’s essential to ensure that users understand what’s real and what’s not. TikTok’s move towards transparency is a step in the right direction, and it will be interesting to see how the industry adopts this technology.

The future of AI-generated content is uncertain, but transparency is key